Monday, August 24, 2015

Fire and Wings and Supernatural things.

Lately I have been suffering from the most intense writer's block (and readers block if that is a thing...more like a reading slump.) and I have never in my life experienced anything like that, where my imagination just shuts down and locks me out. I have always had an overactive imagination, creating pictures, stories and art in my head so in all of this I have felt a sense of loss. My mind has been feeling extremely depressed and walled in a way. I feel the deep desire to feel some cold weather, see some orange, gold and green leaves and drive to some place to take a memory card full of pictures to get my creative juices flowing again. 
The only thing that will in the slightest grab my attention or interest is Supernatural, fire and wings. I LOVE wings, I am always editing them onto people in pictures on my phone and I not so secretly wish I had a pair of my own. Also, the Phoenix has been on my mind for the past few days thanks to a friend, hopefully like the Phoenix this burning out feeling will lead to a rebirth of some sort!
Anyway, due to my current state here are a couple of edits I have made featuring such things!
And me, also Elle Fanning.

Me in the top left,. <3

Hope all you lovelies are having better luck
with your creative adventures than I am!



  1. This too shall pass. Have you ever thought that it is the television I keeping you from coming up with anything clever? Instead of allowing you to be creative and feed that need to create weird stories... Supernatural is just filling the void! That's what it is currently doing for me!!! I'm loving it, but will be turning it off soon in favor of my own deep darkness.

    That phoenix thing is happening!!!

    1. Bahaha! Yeah, but even before I got into Supernatural I wasn't interested in finishing any of my manuscripts, so that wasn't the root of the problem. Also, when I used the word supernatural I wasn't fully referring to the tv show. I meant supernatural things in general. I hadn't actually mentioned the show here :)


  2. This too shall pass. Have you ever thought that it is the television I keeping you from coming up with anything clever? Instead of allowing you to be creative and feed that need to create weird stories... Supernatural is just filling the void! That's what it is currently doing for me!!! I'm loving it, but will be turning it off soon in favor of my own deep darkness.

    That phoenix thing is happening!!!
